A2A Insights, referred to as “Research Analyst,” is a registered research analyst under the SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014, with the registration number INH000010894. Our registered address is 18, Krishna Nagar, Gopalpur Bypass, Jaipur – 302015. We specialize in providing research services and do not offer advisory services. This means that we do not engage in financial planning or risk assessment for our clients. Our services are same for every customer and we follow the guidelines set by SEBI RA (Securities and Exchange Board of India Research Analyst).
We have neither been suspended nor debarred from doing business by any Stock Exchange / SEBI or any other authorities; nor has our certificate of registration been cancelled by SEBI at any point of time.
We are not engaged in merchant banking, investment banking or any brokerage services.
Unless explicitly stated, the percentage returns mentioned on our website or any other marketing materials represent absolute returns.
Our reports or research materials should not be considered as an offer or solicitation to buy/sell any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. Our reports or research materials do not constitute personal recommendations and do not take into account the individual investment objectives, financial situations, risk profiles, and needs of clients.
The content and data presented in our research materials and on our website, including index values, return numbers, and rationale, are for informational and illustrative purposes only. Charts and performance numbers may include back-tested or simulated results calculated using a standard methodology, which do not include transaction fees and other related costs. Back-testing involves applying a quantitative model to historical market data to generate hypothetical performance during a prior period. It’s important to consider the limitations of back-tested data, such as the fact that it doesn’t reflect actual trading results or the impact of economic and market conditions during that period.
Information present in the material prepared by us and on this website shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment or investment strategy. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all the information used to make the investment decision. The investor’s decision should consider personal investment needs, risk tolerance, and various other factors, which are outside the scope of our services.
Past performance does not guarantee future returns, and the performance of portfolios created by the Research Analyst is subject to market risk. Investments in the securities market carry market risks, and investors should carefully read all related documents before investing.
Derivatives are complex investment products, and investors should consider all risk factors before trading in derivative contracts.
The Research Analyst (including relatives) worldwide may: (a) from time to time, have long or short positions in, and buy or sell the securities thereof, of company (ies) forming part of the products or reports created by the company or (b) may have other potential/material conflict of interest with respect to any company(ies) in various products or reports created by the company. Any such positions of conflict of interest will be appropriately disclosed and dealt with in accordance with applicable law.
We do not provide any promise or assurance of favourable view for a particular industry or sector or business group in any manner. The investor is requested to take into consideration all the risk factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk-return profile and seek professional advice before making investments.
The Research Analyst certifies that all the information and material provided accurately reflect his/her personal views about the subject company or companies and their securities. No part of their compensation is or will be directly or indirectly related to companies mentioned in the products or reports created by the company. Reproduction or redistribution of any part of this material without prior written consent from the Research Analyst is prohibited.