Shooting Stars
Our stock recommendation service helps in creating momentum and value-oriented portfolios through fundamental research for retail and high networth investors. We focus on companies which are fundamentally strong and offer compelling value proposition. The stocks are segregated on the basis of market cap, making use of various factors such as P/E ratio, ROCE, Debt profile, and Industry structure and Cyclicality.
Shooting Stars – How We Do It?
The objective with Shooting Stars would be to identify opportunities with low downside and significant potential for gains. This set includes mid-cap and small-cap companies (large-caps too to a limited extent) which are still not on institutional radars. The end result is a list of under-owned companies which have strong financial numbers to showcase but are under-researched and with incomplete value discovery. Since there is a dearth of information in these companies, we rely a lot on the data and figures provided by the company. Our view adjusts according to the available data and this is where our offering gets different from others.
Since time is precious and opportunity cost is a real factor, we switch to better performing stocks when the market presents the opportunity. Instead of relying completely on fundamental analysis and wait endlessly for the market to discover value in our selected stocks, we turnaround the situation and select the stocks where this value discovery is currently going on.
The service is designed for busy professionals with the basics of diversification and risk management build into the system. All you need to do is to buy 20 stocks in the beginning and rebalance the portfolio (mostly 3-4 stocks, occasionally higher) on monthly basis. Once a month! No more, no less.
Service Delivery
Our comprehensively researched stocks will be shared in an easy to understand format in a tracking sheet. We will also provide regular updates on the stocks, including exit/sell recommendation.
IMPORTANT – Since SEBI mandates Research Analysts should not be offering model portfolios, please note that you (subscriber) are responsible for choosing how much to invest in every stock. You can put equal amount of funds in every stock or you can put more funds in the best-performing stocks. The math is completely up to you.
Pricing Plan
Shooting Stars is priced at INR 12,000 per year. Since this involves positional investments which can extend to several months, Shooting Stars service is not offered in shorter timeframes.
If you wish to subscribe to Shooting Stars service, please make the required payment to the following bank account. Alternatively, you can use any UPI payment service to scan the QR code (9971346800@upi) given here. After payment, please share the payment confirmation with PAN and Aadhar card for KYC purpose on
Name Anil Sharma
Account no. 001201572638
IFSC Code ICIC0000012
Branch C-Scheme Branch, Jaipur
Account type Savings