We have created this page as a ready reckoner for our Shooting Stars service. Get answers to all your queries below.

What is Shooting Stars?

Shooting Stars is A2AInsights’ flagship offering that aims to capture trending stocks based on a combination of fundamentals and momentum valuation techniques.

How many stocks do you recommend?

At any point, Shooting Stars will be invested in maximum 20 stocks.

How often do we see fresh buying and selling?

We run a monthly scan to check if stronger stocks are available fulfilling our valuations criterion. If yes, we replace the declining or slow moving stocks with the fresh ones that show strength. Once a month, that’s it!

What is the recommended capital for this service?

We strongly recommend an investment of at least INR 3 lakh for this strategy. Amounts below this may not result in optimal returns for you after adjusting for our subscription cost.

In what proportion should I invest in the stocks?

Since SEBI mandates Research Analysts should not be offering model portfolios, please note that you (subscriber) are responsible for choosing how much to invest in which stock. You can put equal amount of funds in every stock or you can take a weightage approach to put more in the best-performing stocks. The math is completely up to you.

How is Shooting Stars different from other services available in the market?

We run our systems in a systematic, rule-based fashion which means there are no human emotions involved. The rules are designed to select stocks of fundamentally-strong companies which are making a move. While this ensures that we are not stuck with duds, the systematic approach also makes sure that we are not married to any stock or sector. If the system tells us to get out of a blue-chip stock, we get out of it.

What are the past returns of Shooting Stars?

Due to regulatory requirements, we can’t share past performance of Shooting Stars here. If you are a subscriber, you can check our performance in the tracking sheet.

In the past, I ran momentum-based strategies and posted regular updates on Twitter for 12 months. Here is the past performance of momentum strategies in Googlesheet and on Twitter. Please note that these strategies were different from Shooting Stars in terms of methodology.

Who is responsible for execution of trades? Do you offer advisory services?

The execution (buying or selling) of trades remains with the subscriber. Since A2AInsights is a SEBI registered Research Analyst, we can’t buy or sell shares on your behalf. Also, we don’t provide any advisory service which means that we do not engage in financial planning or risk assessment for our customers.

Do you recommend any brokerage company?

No, you are free to open brokerage account with any company of your choice.

For whom is Shooting Stars service suitable?

Shooting Stars is suitable for any investor who is:

What is the refund policy?

We don’t have a subscription refund policy. As soon as you purchase a subscription, you get access to our past recommendations.